Forma: Non-Invasive Skin Remodeling
Forma is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that utilizes radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production, providing an optimal skin remodeling treatment that tightens skin, improves skin elasticity, and reduces the overall signs of aging. Thermal energy flows between the electrodes providing enough heat that the tissue contracts without causing damage or burning the skin. This revolutionary skin tightening device is known as a “red-carpet treatment” for its immediate plumping and vitalizing benefits. Forma is painless, safe, and effective on all skin types.
The Science
Forma leverages bipolar radiofrequency energy to heat the tissue causing contraction of the deep skin layers, increase blood flow, and stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin throughout the facial and body tissues to tighten skin, increase elasticity, and improve the overall tone of the skin.
Collagen is the soft volume underneath the skin that gives our skin moisture and the youthful fullness. We lose collagen as we age and the only way to increase the volume of collagen is to trick our body into developing more. We do this through the process of thermodynamics with radiofrequency. Radiofrequency creates a deliberate and controlled thermal wound at the appropriate skin level that stimulates the body’s natural healing response of collagen production, contraction, and tightening.
Forma uses A.C.E (Acquire, Control, Extend) technology to ensure the treatment safely and adequately delivers exceptional and consistent results. The radiofrequency energy heats the skin to the appropriate temperature to achieve collagen synthesis and extends the therapeutic temperatures long enough to signal the body that there is stimulation in that area. The technology is designed to use heat to achieve the desired result without compromising the integrity of the skin.
What to Expect
Forma is the ideal treatment for anyone wanting to look younger with an obvious reduction in wrinkles and fine lines, a smoother texture and a radiant appearance using a painless, non-invasive, and non-surgical treatment option with no downtime.
Forma is safe and effective on all skin types and can be used on both the face and the body. The most popular facial treatment areas are:
- Around the eyes
- Cheeks/jowls
- Nasolabial folds
- Neck
During the consultation, your practitioner will tailor the number of treatments based on your personal objectives to obtain optimal results. Typically, the best results are seen in six to eight treatments received one week apart. Touch-up treatments may be needed to maintain the desired results. These are often received 3-4 months following the initial sessions.
Forma is a wonderful treatment option to complement other laser services, injectables and/or dermal fillers. Please speak with your aesthetic provider if you are interested in learning more about combining Forma treatments with our other services and developing a plan to achieve the results you desire.
During the session a gel is applied to the treatment area to allow the laser to gently glide along the skin. As the skin warms it will feel like a luxurious spa facial.

Avoid skin irritation, intentional skin tanning or sunless tanning.
Discontinue any irritant topical agents 2-3 days prior to the treatment.
Arrive for the treatment with clean skin. Do not apply lotion, make-up, perfume, powder, or bath/shower oils on the treatment area prior to the procedure.
Immediately following the Forma treatment, it is common to experience a slight redness (erythema) and swelling (edema) in the treatment area, resulting in a “tight” sensation of the skin. This will subside within a few hours.
DO NOT cool the area post treatment. Avoid very hot water for 2 days after the treatment.
Moisturizer and make-up can be applied immediately after the treatment. We strongly recommend using sunscreen.
Contact the office with any questions, concerns, or if there is any sign of infection such as excessive swelling, redness, or pain.