What is Microneedling?
Microneedling is a relatively new minimally invasive procedure involving superficial and control puncturing of the skin with fine needles. It was initially introduced for skin rejuvenation, however over the years it has grown to a wide range of indications.
- Acne scar
- Acne
- Post-traumatic burn/scar
- Alopecia
- Skin rejuvenation
- Drug delivery
- Hyperhidrosis
- Stretch marks
- Many more
Microneedling is a safe technique used in darker skin types (skin types V & VI) where PIH (Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation) is very high.

Mechanism of action

Micro Punctures are created using microneedles which produce a controlled skin injury without damaging the epidermis. These micro injuries lead to minimal superficial bleeding and set up a wound healing cascade with release of various growth factors such as platelet derived growth factor (PGF), transforming growth factor alpha and beta (TGF-α and TGF-β), connective tissue activating protein, connective tissue growth factor, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF).
The needles also breakdown the old, hardened scar strands and allow it to revascularize. Neovascularization and neocollagenesis is initiated by migration and proliferation of fibroblasts and laying down of intercellular matrix. A fibronectin matrix forms after 5 days of injury that determines the deposition of collagen resulting in skin tightening persisting for 5–7 years in the form of collagen III. The depth of neocollagenesis has been found to be 5–600 µm with a 1.5 mm length needle. Histological examination of the skin treated with 4 microneedling sessions 1 month apart shows up to 400% increase in collagen and elastin deposition at 6 months postoperatively, with a thickened stratum spinosum and normal rete ridges at 1 year postoperatively. Collagen fiber bundles appear to have a normal lattice pattern rather than parallel bundles as in scar tissue.
- Open sores or lesions
- Skin infections
- Skin cancer
- Melanoma
- Rosacea
- Raised surfaces
- Eczema
- Active acne
What Technology Do We Use?
At Recover Restore Revive we utilize the Réjuvapen with the larger diameter Excel tip for microneedling.

The Réjuvapen is FDA cleared for facial applications and offers 9 treatment speeds.The Réjuvapen also has an infinite depth dial allowing the clinician to tailor treatment depths from 0.1mm to 2.5 mm during each session. The Réjuvapen is a corded device ensuring the same treatment settings are delivered throughout the session compared to other battery charged options in comparitor pens that may lose charge or even turn off during the treatment. The consistent power delivered throughout the session helps to ensure consistent, optimal results.

The excel tip treats a 6.5 cm circumference microneedling area with 24 needles which is 4x the treatment surface area of standard microneedling tips. This reduces overall procedure time for the client while still ensuring optimal results. Less treatment time also helps with the aesthetic discomfort that a client may feel throughout the session.